The Revolution Begins (with french fries)

My 17 month old knows how to say the words lollipop and french fry…and not because he is a baby genius, but from sheer mass practice.

I am totally starting a FB revolution and I invite yall to join me. So in a similar fashion to November messages of Thanksgiving, during the month of December, in the spirit of giving, my gift to you will be one reason, each day why you can feel better about your own adventures in parenting, as you delight in my epic failures. Let me explain. While I am admittedly a FB addict, I can also testify that it is not always a healthy addiction, especially as a mama in the trenches of parenting. I’ve read the studies on FB-driven mommy depression and I’ve experienced my own FB envy while reading about your eco-friendly home gardens, planted and nurtured by your gentle wee ones, as they all desperately, although politely, fight over the fresh-picked kale and spinach. Well, I didn’t grow my own veggies (no time), or even buy organic (no money), or heck…even feed my children anything without the word “snack” in the title today. I admit it. Still, I’ve also been the one who put up the picture of my sweet little angels all hugging with smiles, secretly having deleted the 37 other pictures of them with their fingers up their noses, showing off their underwear, while tackling each other. The truth is FB families are a bit of a lie. Come on…admit it. And while there is nothing wrong with sharing our celebrations and putting our best foot forward, I thought it might be fun to practice a comical version of humility this month, so we can all celebrate the real parenting success…surviving another day with our little monsters and laughing about it. My theory has always been that if you aren’t exhausted and humbled at the end of each day, you are probably not parenting that well anyways. So, let’s liberate each other and share those deleted family shots and one-liners your kids said, that both humiliated and humored you. Or just read mine and find joy in the comedy I call my life. Enjoy!

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