Confessions Y2 D10: Car Crime Scene



Day 10: This is the floor of my car.

I think that image alone constitutes a full confession.

But I am not done.

The other day a well-intentioned (and apparently childless) saint offered the gift of a Christmas car wash, in the spirit of the holidays. I explained that we had just had a car wash…yesterday. This WAS the car washed.

I assure you it can be prettied, and attempts are made ALL…THE…TIME! I also assure you that there is a worthy story and an explanation for each piece of this gruesome crime scene. No excuse, but there is explanation. I also assure you that I personally think every minivan should come automatically equipped with an extra pair of 2T undies, a juice box, a board book, a sparkly Santa hat for added pizazz, and slightly stepped on goldfish crackers. Think about it. Every mom’s survival kit, right there at your fingertips (so you can reach back and throw it at them mid-highway, in hopes it will silence them for a single second).  And in my defense, the undies were clean, the juice box was full, you can’t hate on mobile literacy, who doesn’t need some easy access to the Christmas spirit, and the goldfish…well they were smashed, but freshly smashed…and whole grain!

So I graciously thanked Saint Cleanliness for their gifted intentions and inquired about a rain check on such generosity, imagining the detail bill we could rack up if we just held out until after a family road trip….a long, long road trip, with lots and lots of snacks! Now THAT would be a gift worth giving!

And in the spirit of my long dead Grateful 365 Project, I have decided to switch my shame to celebration, in an attempt to laugh and learn and embrace the ugly.

Grateful 365 Day 134: The car wash that opened across the street. Both in its worldly value and in its destination as evidence of divine intervention.