Confessions of a Facebook Failure FLASHBACK: Episodes

Confessions of a Facebook Failure FLASHBACK: Year 2 Day 9

I am drowning in grading a flood of finals! But the Type A (alright…A-) in me has a need to adhere to my once-a-day-post commitment. So I am cheating with some favorite flashbacks from years past. Here is one…

spent the afternoon at the library (and I patted myself on the back for my parenting plus).

The newest reader was so overwhelmed with the allure of the words that she couldn’t wait until we got home to dive into the pages (and I praised myself for the obvious inheritance of a love of literacy).

I spied, as she opened an anthology of imaginary worlds and touched the pages as if they were gold (and I imagined for a moment that I was in a world with nothing to blog about).

And then…

“Mommy, I am going to read every single episode of this show.”

And suddenly, I was reminded of reality, and my evident need for this ever growing avalanche of humility I call my life, as apparently without them…well, I would have nothing to write about…

and maybe I would be left to read more to my children…

and then I’d have nothing to write about.

Pride is a cyclical sin in the world of a writer.